YOU AND THE NIGHT features The Stud, The Teen, The Slut, and The Star as guests at a pansexual orgy thrown by the mysterious and sexy ménage-a-trois of Mathias, Ali, & Udo. Heir to the playful sex romps of early Francois Ozon, the dreamy color palette of Dario Argento, and Kenneth Anger’s erotic occultism, YOU AND THE NIGHT is an erotic and wild take on THE BREAKFAST CLUB with each character baring their inner souls to the group to find acceptance and love. An original score by M83 sets the dreamy and transcendent tone for the eternal night. Also featuring a kinky cameo by the legendary Béatrice Dalle (BETTY BLUE).
“Unabashedly Provocative!” – FilmComment
“Restores your faith in auteur filmmaking”
– FilmComment
“Visually Exquisite”
– Hollywood Reporter
Top 10 pick for 2013!
– Cahiers Du Cinema
Yann Gonzalez
Yann Gonzalez
Cécile Vacheret
Kate Moran
Niels Schneider
Nicolas Maury
Eric Cantona
Fabienne Babe
Alain-Fabien Delon
Julie Brémond
Béatrice Dalle
Country of Origin: France
Format: DCP/1.66/Color
Sound Format: Dolby SRD
Running Time: 92 minutes
Genre: Drama
Rating: Not Rated
In French with English Subtitles
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