Inspired by director Catherine Breillat’s (FAT GIRL, ROMANCE) true life experiences, her latest film, ABUSE OF WEAKNESS, is an exploration of power and sex. Isabelle Huppert (THE PIANO TEACHER, 8 WOMEN) stars as Maud, a strong willed filmmaker who suffers a stroke. Bedridden, but determined to pursue her latest film project, she sees Vilko (Kool Shen), a con man who swindles celebrities, on a TV talk show. Interested in him for her new film, the two meet and Maud soon finds herself falling for Vilko’s manipulative charm as their parasitic relationship hurdles out of control.
“Fascinating… Haunting… Provocative!” – RogerEbert.com
“Isabelle Huppert gives an indelible performance in Abuse of Weakness”
– Zachary Wigon, Village Voice
“One of the year’s ten best films”
– John Waters, Artforum
4 Stars
“A work just as startling and potent as anything she [Catherine Breillat] has done to date – a powerful example of art being used to exorcise personal demons that is anchored by two stunning performances and some of the most gripping moments to be seen in any film so far this year”
– Peter Sobczynski, RogerEbert.com
Catherine Breillat
Catherine Breillat
Jean-Francois Lepetit
Isabelle Hupert
Kool Shen
Laurence Ursino
Christopher Sermet
Ronald Leclercq
Country of Origin: France / Germany / Belgium
Format: DCP/2.35/Color
Sound Format: Dolby SR
Running Time: 104 minutes
Genre: Drama
Not Rated
In French with English Subtitles
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