3 (Three) Bisexual, Comedy, Drama, DVD/On-Demand, German, Germany, Non-Theatrical, Romance Germany I Tom Twyker
Tropical Malady Asian, Drama, DVD/On-Demand, Gay, LGBT, Non-Theatrical, Romance, Thai, Thailand Thailand I Apichatpong Weerasthakul
Cemetery of Splendor Asian, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Non-Theatrical, Spiritual, Thai, Thailand Thailand | Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Purple Sea Drama, DVD/On-Demand, History, Italian, Italy, LGBT, Non-Theatrical, Romance Italy | Donatella Maiorca
Mala Mala Documentary, DVD/On-Demand, English, LGBT, Non-Theatrical, Puerto Rico, Spanish, Transgender, USA USA I Antonio Santini, Dan Sickles
Romeos Coming-of-Age, Drama, DVD/On-Demand, English, German, Germany, LGBT, Transgender Germany I Sabine Bernardi
Summer of Sangaile, The Bisexual, Coming-of-Age, Drama, DVD/On-Demand, Erotic, France, Lesbian, LGBT, Lithuania, Lithuanian, Non-Theatrical, Romance, The Netherlands Lithuania | Alanté Kavaïté