The Untamed Denmark, Drama, DVD/On-Demand, Erotic, France, Germany, Horror, Mexico, Non-Theatrical, Norway, Spanish, Switzerland Mexico | Amat Escalante
A Woman, A Part Drama, DVD/On-Demand, English, Lesbian, LGBT, Non-Theatrical, USA USA | Elisabeth Subrin
Skyjacker’s Tale, The Canada, Documentary, DVD/On-Demand, English, Non-Theatrical Canada | Jamie Kastner
Like Crazy Comedy, Drama, DVD/On-Demand, France, Italian, Italy, Lesbian, LGBT, Non-Theatrical Italy | Paolo Virzì
Fragments of Love Colombia, Drama, DVD/On-Demand, Erotic, Non-Theatrical, Puerto Rico, Romance, Spanish Puerto Rico | Fernando Vallejo
The Ornithologist Asian, Bisexual, Drama, DVD/On-Demand, Erotic, Gay, LGBT, Mystery, Non-Theatrical, Portuguese, Spiritual Portugal | João Pedro Rodrigues
The Bride (La Novia) Drama, DVD/On-Demand, Germany, Non-Theatrical, Romance, Spain, Spanish Spain | Paula Ortiz