Puccini For Beginners Bisexual, Comedy, Coming-of-Age, DVD/On-Demand, English, Lesbian, LGBT, Non-Theatrical, Romance, USA USA I Maria Maggenti
Cameraman: The Life & Work of Jack Cardiff Documentary, DVD/On-Demand, English, Non-Theatrical, USA USA I Craig McCall
Interior. Leather Bar. Comedy, Drama, DVD/On-Demand, English, Erotic, Gay, LGBT, Non-Theatrical, USA USA | James Franco & Travis Mathews
Ballplayer: Pelotero Documentary, DVD/On-Demand, English, Non-Theatrical, Spanish, Sports, USA USA/Dominican Republic | Ross Finkel, Trevor Martin & Jon Paley
Fun In Boys Shorts Bisexual, Comedy, Coming-of-Age, DVD/On-Demand, English, Erotic, Gay, LGBT, Norway, Norwegian, Spain, Spanish, USA USA | Various Directors